Monday, July 6, 2009

And now we pause...

Believe it or not it's been a year since I started this blog! Tally was 8 months old and I was 20. It seems like so long ago. I'm about to turn 22 so blogging only a year seems weird. I've posted 143 times (144 counting this one) which means in one year you have all seen over 1/3 of my life! I hope you're enjoying our journey because I am having a blast. Blogging has been a great thing for me. It's probably the closest thing to a journal that I will ever have, I get to keep in touch with friends and family from all over PLUS I'm backing up all my pictures in case my computer crashes. ;) I figure since it's been a year it's time for another update.

Ryan still works in the oilfield where is still gets his fabulous 8 days on 6 days off schedule. We love to play on his days off. He recently got a new partner at work when his other partner moved out of state. Ryan recently started a karate class and currently has 7 students. He is loving the chance to teach people something he loves. He is also the Sunday School President of our ward. He has recently taken a liking to gardening and yard work. Mostly he works on the grass. One day he dreams it to be perfect, I can't wait for that day.

Tally is growing up so so fast! She can say so many words and you can understand her so well. She still loves to dance and sing. Recently her favorite songs are 5 Little Monkeys (SNAP!), 3 Little Ducks, Popcorn Popping, Pat A Cake, and Itsy Bitsy Spider. She sings other ones but only she knows what she's saying so mom can't sing them with her. She also loves to brush her teeth and brushes them at least once a day. (She gets to put a sticker on her Dora chart when she does) Speaking of stickers, she has taken a liking to any kind of sticker she can find! The more you can put on her body the better! Tally also loves to color. She colors with crayons, pens and pencils and sidewalk chalk and she's always bringing beautiful pictures home from Nursery. Recently she has taken a liking to "baby" her cabbage patch. She feeds her a bottle, wraps her in a blanket (Usually a towel) and shares all her secrets with her. It's so fun to watch. I am currently Wii, reality show, blogging and farm town (on facebook) addicted. It's a good thing I have work so I can play. :) I'm still making and selling bows and loving it. I still stay at home most of the time and hang out with Tally and try to keep my house clean, which is proving to not be an easy job and Tally gets older. I am still the Second Counselor in the Primary and love the calling.

Tonight we will be going to a play in Vernal. I will post pictures and let you all know how it was.

Happy One Year Anniversary to me and my blog! :)

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